Come along with us as we explore an off-the-beaten-path cave in Tennessee. This cave was originally discovered in 1977, when I was only 4 weeks old and it doesn't seem like anyone has been here since. Our main goal was to check a lead that Harold had discovered here back in the fall of 2023. After checking the lead and setting a bolt, we discovered a 25' pit that was too tight and we will have to come back to modify it. We can see passage down below and felt a lot of air so there is some great potential here for more cave.
After exploring the lead, we began to make our way out of the cave. Jason then came across a strange blob of worms on the cave floor. At first, we did not realize it was worms and we speculated what it could have been. Then Cindy did the unthinkable and SHE TOUCHED IT... Another great day in a cave!