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Half a Million Bats? This is the largest bat flight East of the Mississippi! Sauta Cave, Alabama

Come along with us as we watch the nightly bat flight out of Sauta Cave near Scottsboro, Alabama.

Located about 7 miles west of Scottsboro, Alabama is the Sauta Cave National Wildlife Refuge. As early as 1784, it is known that the Cherokees used the cave to mine Saltpeter. The site continued to be used off and on from the War of 1812 through the Civil War and even during World War I. During the saltpeter mining a wooden railroad was constructed in the area and several mines were dug to help with the mining operation. Portions of the railroad and the mining tunnels which are now called the Catacombs still exist today on the site. During the twentieth century, a building was constructed near the entrance of the cave that served as a fishing store and a nightclub. The operation ran from 1919 through 1956. A dance area was even placed adjacent to the lower entrance to take advantage of the cool air that blows from the cave. Later in 1962, the cave was prepared as a fallout shelter by a local National Guard and prior to the National Wildlife Refuge System purchasing the land the owner had planned to commercialize the cave.

It was in 1978 that National Wildlife Refuge System, which is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, purchased what was known as Blowing Wind Cave. They purchased 264 acres in order to provide protection for the federally endangered gray and Indiana bats and their critical habitat. Not only is this cave a major maternity cave (hibernaculum) for gray bats it also provides a summer roosting site for approx 400,000 Gray and Indiana bats. Over the years the management of the cave has included constructing gates on both entrances and restricting access during critical periods in order to minimize any disturbance to roosting bats. At one time the National Wildlife Refuge used to allow access to the cave at least twice a year to cavers. However, due to WNS (White Nose Syndrom), the cave itself is currently closed.

Rare and unique species occur in Sauta Cave and on the preserve. The Alabama Natural Heritage Program listed the biodiversity rank of the cave as a B1, a site of very high significance. In addition to the gray and Indiana bats, other bat species are also present including the Rafinesque‟s big eared bat. The Tennessee Cave Salamander, unique invertebrates, and other rare animals also inhabit the cave. It is also noted that the number of Tennessee cave salamanders was the second highest recorded for caves in Alabama. In addition to the rare fauna, in 2002 the federally endangered Price‟s potato bean was also found on the preserve and nearly all of the 264 acres of the habitat are predominately hardwood forest.

The preserve is located just above the Sauty Creek embayment of TVA‟s Guntersville Reservoir, 7 miles west of Scottsboro, Alabama. It is estimated the site receives 5,000 visitors annually and it is a free site to visit. The majority of visitors come to view the spectacular bat flight that peaks from June through August of each year. At dusk, approximately 400,000 bats exit the cave to begin their nightly foraging. This event can last for longer than one hour.

As one is standing next to the entrance not only can you hear the bats coming but you can feel the heat of them pouring out. It is by far one of the most amazing experiences you will ever have watching a bat flight. Remember to bring a lightweight raincoat (as you may get a little wet from the bats flying above) and a flashlight.



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